Providing Continuing Education for Complex Trauma & Dissociation

We are EMDRIA-approved EMDR Consultants specializing in complex trauma and dissociation. Whether or not you are seeking EMDR consultation, we provide workshops and consultation opportunities to therapists who want to increase their confidence, competence, and conceptualization skills.

Our Offerings for Therapists

  • Continuing Education

    Need to become more effective at conceptualizing and treating dissociation/dissociative disorders? 

    Learn to identify, assess, conceptualize, and treat dissociation and dissociative disorders with more confidence through our workshops.

  • 1:1 Consultation

    Feeling really stumped? Need more support? Noticing that many of your clients with complex trauma need different interventions & supports?

    We provide EMDR consultation for EMDR-trained clinicians and case consultation for clinicians who are seeking more support around complex trauma cases.

  • Agency Trainings

    Are you an agency or group practice owner interested in providing training to multiple members within your agency or organization at once?

     We are open to coming to you. 

    Contact us to discuss the possibilities for customized training to meet your needs.

Sharnise Hendrick and Carly Falk, co-founders of Lotus Embodied Counseling

Trauma treatment is community care. 

We are here to cultivate a network of dedicated, resilient, and trauma-aware clinicians who can bring hope, resilience, and an accessible path to as many survivors as possible.

 Meet the Trainers

Sharnise Hendrick
  • Co-Owner of Lotus Embodied Counseling, LCPC, RYT500, EMDR Certified, EMDRIA - Approved EMDR Consultant

    I am grateful to have the opportunity to help clients access their bodies and process past experiences in a way that provides them with a sense of safety and autonomy.

    I enjoy working with clients who have a history of being in therapy for years yet feel that something has been missing; often appropriate assessment for dissociation is that something. I work with clients living with complex trauma histories including those who meet the criteria for a dissociative disorder (i.e. DID).

    I also love supporting consultees in their ongoing development and resourcing; in becoming more confident and clear about allowing the therapeutic relationship to unfold.

    I value strong conceptualization and prepare those who consult with me to be able to maintain effective and ongoing conceptualization throughout their relationship with their clients.

Carly Falk
  • Co-Owner of Lotus Embodied Counseling, LCPC, EMDR Certified, EMDRIA - Approved EMDR Consultant

    I’ve helped many clients feel seen enough to see themselves more compassionately and accurately. With advanced conceptualization skills and therapeutic agility, I am able to work with the toughest of cases.

    I love my work because safe connection is a birthright and it's an honor to provide this to survivors. I have dedicated my life to walking alongside survivors in their pursuit of re-connection with self and others.


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